
First Session

A naturopathic intake includes up to an hour’s appraisal of the present condition and another 15 minutes of assessment of the patient’s general health that considers all systems (e.g. hormonal, nervous, immunological etc.) and general health status. Informed consent, referral, and evidence based practice is inherent in the practice of naturopathic medicine. The patient will provide a historical account of their condition and give other details regarding accompanying signs and symptoms of the present condition. The Naturopathic Doctor (ND) will give either verbal or written education about the patient’s condition and accompanying symptoms and a working diagnosis. The ND will then, within a 24 hour period, provide Basic Treatment Guidelines (BTGs), which will guide the patient with a naturopathic prescription* and behavior modifications.

Follow-up Session

This is an opportunity for the patient to provide an update on their condition in addition to their own appraisal of their health status. This is also a great opportunity for further health education, patient-doctor relationship building, and answer questions regarding the previous prescription and behavior modification (BTGs). This follow-up visit can take up to 45 minutes.

* Naturopathic Prescription can include but is not limited to: Herbal medicine, homeopathics, dietary modifications, nutraceuticals (high potency nutrients and their precursors), and specific exercises.